Welcome to DanceCircle.net

The Photography pages for DanceCircle have been updated again! The latest photo addition: The 2006 San Francisco Open. These photographs were taken during the Saturday evening session and can be found in the "Events" section of the website under the 2006 Genesis Dancesport Competition and Show. Just click on the Photography item on the left and then click the "Events" subitem, or click here to go to the Events page right now!

Also updated, in the Photography section, is the "Clients" section. When you hire DanceCircle to do a photoshoot for you, you will be able to find your pictures in this section. You will need a password to enter these areas, so if you need credentials to get in, and you don't have any, please send me an email explaining why you need access.

If you have any problems viewing anything on the website, please let us know! You can email us by clicking on the link to the left or you can send an email message directly to howard@dancecircle.net. Of course, you can always send us email for any questions, suggestions, issues, or comments you may have when using the website.
Coming next, clean up of the pages that you see when you first enter DanceCircle (like this page!). Other things coming soon: a single shopping cart for all purchases anywhere in DanceCircle, a snazzier set of web pages, and more photography!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy!